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(Genesis) Jesus is Coming
Jesus died so that you like Noah, who built the Ark to ride out the Flood (Genesis 6-9 AMP), can survive the coming judgment. It took Noah many years to build the Ark. It takes just a moment to ask Jesus to come into your life and apply the forgiveness he won on the Cross to your life. When your body dies, your soul can be with God in heaven but if you will not, the default option is hell. He never intended for you to go there and has provided the way out through his Son Jesus. But you must act now. (Hebrews 3:15 AMP) Not for me but for your own self!
Scroll down for an extended discussion of the book of
(Genesis 1-34 AMP),
(Genesis 35-50 AMP)
the book of beginnings. (This is set for what would load on my laptop and the Amplified Bible.
Just change the chapter # and the English version or language.)
There is a final note at the end.
The conclusion you will be able to see is that while Abraham is the father of three faiths,
Judaism, Islam and Christianity, the child of promise according to the Old Testament is Isaac.
It is through Abraham's son Isaac's lineage that Jesus came. Missing a turn in Genesis and following the
lineage of Ishmael, whom God told Abraham to send away
(Genesis 21:8-21 AMP), will not bring you to
Jesus, the Son of God, the only one who can forgive your sins. I challenge you to
examine Genesis, a primary document, and come to your own conclusion.
The title of this page, JesusIsComing, was chosen because the conclusion I have come to after studying
Genesis is that this indeed is what will eventually happen to the exclusion of other possibilites.
Noah's Ark
1. Before the Flood
(Genesis 1 - 5 AMP)
Genesis 1 - 5 (Before the Flood with some explanations)
Chapter 1 - Everything you see today was first created by God out of
nothing. He created it by speaking. The Spirit of God is immediately mentioned.
The first thing God created was light. He separated light from darkness. We call
it day and night. The second thing God created was the sky above the water.
Today we would call this atmospheric moisture (gas) and liquid water (oceans). The
third thing God created was land and what was on it (plants and trees).
The fourth thing God created was the universe full of stars with our own sun and
moon to function as a time keeper. The fifth thing God created was birds in the
air and living creatures in the water. Unlike trees and plants which can propagate
close by only, God blessed every living creature that moves so they would
multiply and fill the earth. The sixth thing God created was land animals and
reptiles, man, and woman. God's highest creation was people.
"God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after
Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea,
the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth and over
everything that creeps upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the
image and likeness of God He created him: male and female He created them."
(Genesis 1:26-27 AMP)
God blessed man and woman to be fruitful, multiply, and to fill the
earth and having dominion over the rest of creation (fish, birds, every living
creature that moves upon the earth). At this time man and woman were vegetarian,
eating plants and fruit from trees.
Chapter 2 - The seventh thing God created was rest. He looked at what He
created; He declared it good and blessed each step of the way.
Now He was finished. He said this rest was holy and set apart from
The story of creation is now retold. (The first time it was told, man and woman
were shown to be the highest and best creation of God while plants which were lower in
heirarchy than humans were created before man and woman in order to be used by them.)
The second telling of creation totally
skips light, sky, and ocean. Certainly the point isn't suddenly that God
didn't create light, sky, and ocean having created only plants and people (thus
making chapter one wrong and superceded). No, God is telling us something else.
What is it? God is retelling the story to emphasize that He created all that you
see with one goal in mind: to create people who both need these things to live and who are
commanded to care for them. So in this second telling, plants can't be created before humans
because there was no humans to till the ground. Plants have no meaning of themselves. They
have meaning only because man is going to take care of them and use them. So in this
second telling God creates a man from the dust of the ground and
God breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living being.
(Genesis 2:7 AMP)
God cares more than man
Then God planted a garden, the Garden of Eden, and put the man in it. Then God
caused plants and trees to grow in the garden. In the center (literally "in the midst") God put a
special tree, the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:17 AMP) This must be very
important to be in the center of the garden.
A river watered Eden (there was no rain yet) which became four rivers that flowed
out of Eden: Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and the Euphrates.
The man's function was to tend, guard and keep the garden. God told man to eat
anything in the garden except the tree in the center.
Why? If you do, you will die.
God created man male and female
(Genesis 1:27 AMP). Now God says it is not good that
man should be alone.
Let's summarize: all things created are good so far. There are only two things
that are not good.
1. if man eats of the of the knowledge of good and evil tree in the center of the garden
2. if the man (male) is alone. Man is in charge of 1. God is in charge of 2.
All will be well if man just doesn't eat of the tree in the center of the garden.
God is now taking care of the man (male) being alone without a female.
The man now has a name, Adam. God takes part of Adam while he sleeps and makes
woman (which literally means 'taken out of a man'). Adam went wild!
After having named all the animals,
he realized this was his mate, bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh. (Genesis 2:23 AMP)
There is a bit of commentary at this point. Adam and woman had no human parents.
But God wanted to be sure that in the future, when there were parents,
that this very close relationship between husband and wife was treated as sacred
and above the relationship of either the husband to his parents or the wife
to her parents. It means a wife is highly honored by God. When a man recognizes
in a woman that she is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, he is to
treat her according to the importance God gives her. She is a gift to the
Who inserted this commentary? (Genesis 2:24 AMP) It was probably Moses who is credited with writing down
the events of Genesis as God revealed them to him.
Genesis 3 - A new character shows up in the garden, the serpent. Was the
serpent a creation of God? The answer must be yes. Was the serpent
good when he was created? The answer must be yes. What happened to the serpent?
Go back to the only two things God said weren't good. 1. eating of
the tree in the center of the garden 2. man (male) being alone. The serpent must
have at some point been involved in 1. So this must be very important.
God separated the light from the darkness, the sky from the water, the water from
the land. The birds fly; water creatures live in water.
Plants and trees don't move around but animals and people, birds and water
creatures do move around. Every created thing seems to have its boundaries.
God gave man free will in that He created man in His image. The serpent may not
just be something God created as an animal or reptile.
The serpent may also have been a creation of God that like man had free will. It
may be that once the serpent ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
which now was at the center of the garden, that he was unable to be restored to his
previous condition. But the man and the woman, who were instructed not to
eat of the tree at the center of the garden, we will see that God had a plan to
restore them.
What was this tree? God called it
"the tree of the knowledge of the difference of
good and evil." (Genesis 2:9 AMP) Any tree was good to eat from "But of the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity you shall not eat,
for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."
(Genesis 2:9-17 AMP)
The serpent (described as being more subtle and crafty than any living creature of
the field which the Lord God had made) asked the woman,
"Can it really be
that God has said, (Genesis 3:1 AMP) You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?" She
answers correctly, "We may eat the fruit from the trees of the garden
except the fruit from the tree which is in the middle of the garden. God has said,
'You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'"
God didn't say they couldn't touch this fruit, He said they couldn't
eat it. Not touching it was not required but it still OK to get this part wrong.
The serpent goes on and now introduces a direct challenge to God's command and
God's explanation of what would happen. "But the serpent said to the woman,
you shall NOT surely die. For God knows in the day you eat of it your eyes will be
opened, and you will be like God, knowing the difference between good and
evil and blessing and calamity." (Genesis 3:4-5 AMP) Note that God already said He
created man in His image and in His likeness (
Genesis 1:27 AMP). But this does not
make man and woman God; they are still only His image out of dust, like God but not God.
They could not successfully handle knowing the difference between good and evil being limited.
So why did God put such a dangerous tree right in
the center of the garden? Was it entrapment? God put the tree there because
we are not robots. We must freely choose to obey God. He put it there precisely
so we could disobey. We had to be free to both obey and disobey. Otherwise,
we were not made in God's image. We don't understand everything about the serpent
but he seems to be more than just a snake. The serpent seems to be a subtle
creation of God that disobeyed and now wants to pull the man and the woman off
course for its own purposes, to create its own little refuge of
But the effect was huge. The eyes of both the man and the woman were opened. They
knew they were naked and sewed fig leaves together to cover their sexual parts.
They hid from God. When God came looking for them they said they were afraid
because they were naked. God asked them, "Who told you you were naked? Did you
of the tree I commanded that you should not eat?" Blame started. Finger pointing
started. The truth is that each free being makes the choice. God didn't listen
to the blame and finger pointing. He had warned them so now the consequences were
The serpent is cursed and now must slither on its belly and eat dust. "I will put
enmity between you and woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring;
He will bruise and tread your head underfoot, and you will lie and wait and bruise
His feet." (Genesis 3:15)
The woman will have trouble in pregnancy and childbirth and while she craves her
husband, he will rule over her (not as much fun as joint dominion).
The ground is now cursed and Adam will have trouble doing his work tending the
garden, the dirt and plants won't co-operate anymore, there will be weeds.
God had some damage control to do. "And the Lord God said, 'Behold, the man has
become like one of US [the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit], to know [how to
distinguish between] good and evil and blessing and calamity; and now lest he put
forth his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever,
Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground
from which he was taken.
So [God} drove out the man; and He placed at the east
of the Garden of Eden the cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every way, to
keep and guard the way to the tree of life." (Genesis 3:22-24 AMP).
If God had not cut us off from the tree of life, we would live in our fallen,
sinful lives forever. It was an act of kindness for us to die physically.
We all know some very evil people in history. Imagine if they lived forever.
Imagine if you or I lived forever?
Did you miss it? God preached the first Gospel message in
Genesis 3:15 AMP. If you
had a choice to get the back of your foot (your heel) hurt or your head hurt,
which would you pick? I've got two feet and one head and it's my head that sends
information that gets my foot healed, my foot does not send information to
get my head healed. So I'd rather my foot be hurt. This is what God picked. He
basically told the serpent, the woman's Offspring, Jesus, is going to walk
on your head and bruise it while all you are going to do is to bruise His heel.
The bruise to the serpent's head would be a knock out blow (fatal).
God has a plan in place to overcome what the serpent did and restore humans
in a way the serpent could never be restored. God will do it, but we are going to
have to choose it. We chose to fall; we will have to choose to get back.
No one can do it for you except you. I'm typing this message but you are the one
who chooses. I can present the facts and point the way, but you must choose
to come back to God the way He has laid out for you to come back.
Adam named his wife Eve, the mother of all the living. (Genesis 3:20 AMP)
God preached the second Gospel message.
"For Adam also and for his wife the Lord
God made long coats (tunics) of skins and clothed them." (Genesis 3:21 AMP)
He saw the fig leaves. He did not make bigger clothes out of more fig leaves. God
killed animals and made clothes out of skins. He made long coats,
He completely covered them; He did not just cover the parts that concerned the man
and the woman. God shed blood for the sake of his humans. Their
wrongdoing He decided must be covered through the shedding of blood. In the Garden
God used the blood of animals. Eventually, God used His own blood,
the blood of Jesus. Only then could humans again safely live forever redeemed, bought back.
Chapter 4 - Adam and Eve have their first child, Cain, a tiller of the
ground. Adam and Eve have their second child, Abel, a keeper of sheep.
Cain brought to God an offering of the fruit of the ground. Abel brought the
firstborn of his flock and the fat portions.
The Lord had respect and regard for Abel and his offering.
But for Cain and his offering He had no respect or regard.
Why? Did God play favorites? Genesis doesn't spell it out for us but we did see
above that as far as covering our wrongdoing and guilt and fear,
God did not use fig leaves (plants or trees) but He used animal skins (blood was
Cain brought "an" offering. Abel brought the firstborn of his flock. What place
should our Creator have in our lives? Should God have "a" place
or the "highest" place? Should God have us after our own hearts or after His heart
(delighting Him rather than delighting ourselves)?
God asked Cain why he was angry.
"If you do well (Genesis 4:7 AMP), will you not be accepted? And if
you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you
but you must master it." (Genesis 4:7) God is telling Cain he had a choice, and he
has a choice. God warns Cain to master himself and choose life, not sin.
Cain decided not to listen to God's counsel but to kill Abel. He asked Abel to
come to the field, Cain's territory, and then killed Abel.
Just as God said to Adam and his wife in the garden, where are you? Even though He
knew where they were, God asks Cain, where is your brother Abel?
God is not stupid. He already knows the answer. We have free will and God honors
it. We can answer with the truth or come up with a lame response.
Cain said, Am I my brother's keeper?
That's when God told him clearly,
"What have you done? The voice of your brother's
blood is crying to Me from the ground." (Genesis 4:10 AMP)
God announces Cain will no longer be able to grow plants; the soil won't yield to
him because of Abel's blood. Cain will be a fugitive,
a vagabond in perpetual exile.
Cain complains that the punishment is too great and that people will kill him. But God
puts a mark on Cain's forehead, possibly some kind of picture or
script that promises if you kill Cain, there will be sevenfold vengeance taken against
the killer. Whatever it was it would be clearly understood like our modern day pirate's
skull. God who put it on his forehead permanently, not just some tattoo.
Cain leaves and his lineage is listed.
People often ask who was Cain's wife? If there were only Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, and now
no Abel, when Cain was sent away, who could have been Cain's wife? The answer is we
aren't told. The Bible is not all-inclusive. At times we have to assume there had been
a previous discussion resulting in some action. Due to the very long lives in the
beginning with gestation remaining at 9 months, it is not difficult to see that although
Cain may have been alone for a while, in time, there would be women of marriagable age
who could have born him many children. This does make sense.
Methuselah lived 969 years. (Genesis 5:27 AMP) At 1 child every 3 years starting at
age 30, 969-30=939 years/3 = 313 children with one wife. There were definitely people around
not mentioned in the Bible.
Adam and Eve have a third son, Seth. At that time men began to call [upon God] by
the name of the Lord.
Chapter 5 - This chapter lists Adam's offspring and lineage. God reminds
that He created man in the likeness of God and male and female.
This seems to be God saying that He's still there with Adam and Eve and Seth. The
fathers in the lineage lived longer lives than we do now.
Adam lived 930 years, Seth lived 912 years, Enosh lived 905 years, Kenan lived 910
years, Mahalalel lived 895 years, Jared lived 962 years,
Enoch never died but God "took him" at 365 years old because Enoch walked in
habitual fellowship with God. Methuselah lived 969 years, Lamech was
182 years when Noah was born and lived 595 years after Noah was born which equals
777 years. Noah was the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
End of Genesis 1 - 5, Before the Flood. You should be able to understand
what follows now. You should be able to understand the entire Bible now.
Why is this so? These few chapters are a thumbnail representation of all that is
to come. God gives us a choice. We choose wrongly.
God himself mitigates the immediate consequences and plans our rescue long-term. This always involves
shedding of blood for God knows the life is in the blood. (Leviticus 17:11 AMP)
Once you know this thread you can follow all other like threads!
Genesis 6 - 9 AMP
(the Flood)
Genesis 6-9 (The Amplified Bible)
The Flood
Chapter 6
"When men began to multiply upon the face of the land and daughters were born to
them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair,
and they took wives of all they desired and chose. Then the Lord said, 'My Spirit
will not forever dwell and strive with man, for he also is flesh;
but his days shall be yet 120 years.'
There were giants on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of
God lived with the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.
These were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every
imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil
continually. And the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was
grieved at heart. So the Lord said, 'I will destroy, blot out,
and wipe away mankind, whom I have created from the face of the ground-not only
man, [but] the beasts and the creeping things and the birds of the air-
for it grieves Me and makes Me regretful that I have made them.'
But Noah found grace (favor) in the eyes of the Lord.
This is the history of the generations of Noah.
Noah was a just and righteous man, blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked
[in habitual fellowship] with God.
And Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
The earth was depraved and putrid in God's sight, and the land was filled with
violence (desecration, infringement, outrage, assault, and lust for power).
And God looked upon the world and saw how degenerate, debased, and vicious it was,
for all humanity had corrupted their way upon the earth and lost their
true direction.
God said to Noah, I intend to make an end of all flesh, for through men the land is
filled with violence; and behold, I will destroy them and the land.
Make for yourself an ark of gopher or cypress wood; make in it rooms (stalls, pens,
coops, nests, cages, and compartments) and cover it inside and
out with pitch (bitumen).
And this is the way you are to make it: the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits,
its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits
[that is 450 feet x 75 feet x 45 feet].
You shall make a roof or window [a place for light] for the ark and finish it to a
cubit [at least 18 inches] above-and the door of the ark you
shall put in the side of it; and you shall make it with lower, second, and third
For behold, I, even I, will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy and
make putrid all flesh under the heavens in which are the breath and
spirit of life; everything that is on the land shall die.
But I will establish My covenant (promise, pledge) with you, and you shall come
into the ark-you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wives with you.
And of every living thing of all flesh [found on land], you shall bring two of
every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male
and female. Of fowls and birds according to their kinds, of beasts according to
their kinds, of every creeping things of the ground according to its
kind-two of every sort shall come in with you, that they may be kept alive. Also
take with you every sort of food that is eaten, and you shall collect
and store it up, and it shall serve as food for you and for them.
Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him.
Chapter 7 (the Flood continued)
And the Lord said to Noah, 'Come with all your household into the ark, for I have
seen you to be righteous (upright and in right standing) before Me
in this generation. Of every clean beast you shall receive and take with you seven
pairs, the male and his mate and of beasts that are not clean a
pair of each kind, the male and its mate. Also of the birds of the air seven
pairs, the male and the female, to keep seed [their kind] alive over
all the earth or land.
For in seven days I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty
nights, and every living substance and things that I have made I will
destroy, blot out, and wipe away from the face of the earth.'
And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.
Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth and
And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him went into the ark
because of the waters of the flood.
Of clean animals and of animals that are not clean, and of birds and fowls, and of
everything that creeps upon the ground, there went in two and two with
Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.
And after seven days the flood waters came upon the earth or land.
In the year 600 of Noah's life, in the seventeenth day of the second month, that
same day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up and
burst forth, and the windows and floodgates of the heavens were opened.
And it rained upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
On the very same day Noah and Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's
wife and the three wives of his sons with them, went into the ark.
They and every [wild] beast according to their kind, all the livestock according to
their kinds, every moving thing that creeps on the land according
to its kind, and every fowl according to its kind, every winged thing of every
And they went into the ark with Noah, two and two of all flesh in which there were
the breath and spirit of life. And they that entered, male and
female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded [Noah] and the Lord shut him in
and closed [the door] round about him.
The flood [that is, the downpour of rain] was forty days upon the earth; and the
waters increased and bore up the ark, and it was lifted [high] above the
And the waters became mighty and increased greatly upon the land, and the ark went
[gently floating] upon the surface of the waters. And the waters
prevailed so exceedingly and were so mighty upon the earth that all the high hills
under the whole sky were covered.
And all flesh ceased to breathe that moved upon the earth-fowls and birds, [tame]
animals, [wild] beasts, all swarming and creeping things that swarm
and creep upon the land, and all mankind.
Everything on the dry land in whose nostrils were the breath and spirit of life
God destroyed (blotted out) from the land. Only Noah remained alive, and those who
were with him in the ark.
And the waters prevailed [mightily] upon the earth or land 150 days (five
The Flood recedes
3. After the Flood (Genesis 10 - 50)
After the Flood, Genesis 10 - 50 (summary with little explanation)
Genesis 10-15 AMP
Genesis 10 - The descendants of Noah's three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth,
those who emerged from the Ark to repopulate the earth.
Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel and the scattering of all the people who as
the result of God's direct intervention suddenly spoke many languages and
could no longer understand each other. God said over and over to be fruitful and
multiply and fill the earth but the people wanted to be in one place
with a high tower to challenge God's authority. Who won? God enforced what he
commanded when the people would not obey.
Noah-Shem-Nahor-Terah-Abram. Abram married Sarai.
Genesis 12 - God calls Abram away from his home to a land God would show him
after he obeyed and left home. Pharaoh of Egypt finds out that God
is protecting Abraham.
Genesis 13 - Abraham and Lot separate due to their flocks and shepherds
being tightly packed due to their great numbers. God makes promises to Abram
that Abram will not be diminished but his descendents will be like the dust of the
earth (everywhere).
Genesis 14 - Abram has to rescue Lot. After a successful fight, Abram meets
Melchizedek, the priest of God Most High. Abram refuses the bounties
of war to show that all he has is given to him by God; he takes it from no
Genesis 15 - Abram and God talk. God promises Abram's offspring will be a
great number like the
stars in the sky. (Genesis 15:2-5 AMP)
"And he [Abram] believed in (trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the
Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness
(right standing with God)." (Genesis 15:6 AMP)
(This statement of the method by which Abram was recognized as righteous before God is
pivotal and a very big deal. Are we righteous by our works or by our faith? This becomes
important as the law is introduced after Genesis) The law is wonderful, but it is not
how one pleases God. (Hebrews 11:6 AMP)
Genesis 16-20 AMP
Genesis 16 - Abram's wife, Sarai, is barren and has no children. Sarai,
following a custom of the day, gives her maid Hagar from Egypt, to Abram to
bear a child on behalf of Sarai. Ishmael is born. Hagar runs away but God sends
her back.
Genesis 17 - God changes Abram's name to Abraham (father of a multitude).
God changes Sarai's name to Sarah (princess). God introduces
circumcision of all males associated with Abraham. Very important! God promises
that Sarah will have a baby boy name Isaac (laughter).
Abraham offers God the opportunity to make Ishmael his heir but God corrects him. (Genesis 17:15-22 AMP)
God will bless Ishmael exceedingly but his covenant promises
will be established through Isaac. Abraham has his household males
circumcised. Please note that God's attributing righteousness because of faith (Genesis 15:6
related to Abram believing the promise of God about having numberous descendants) came before
circumcision was ordered. Cirumcision is part of the God package but it is an add on not the center
of righteousness. It is a sign of God's covenant with Abraham sometimes called the Abrahamic Covenant.
Abrahaam kept his side of the covenant through faith and exhibiting the sign of the covenant personally
in his own flesh (initially as an adult; later 8 day old males were circumcized).
Genesis 18 - Up until now God has spoken only to Abraham. Three angels, one
of which we now take to be Jesus, visit Abraham, and Sarah overhears
that she will have a child while both she and Abraham are very old.
The Lord says, "Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:13-14 AMP)"
The stranger calls Abraham his servant as well as a friend, (Genesis 18:17-33 AMP)
interesting as they were passing by needing to be called to stop for some rest and refreshment.
Abraham intercedes with the stranger on behalf of Sodom. The stranger promises Abraham that he won't
destroy Sodom if he can find 10 righteous people there. Abraham reasons and bargains with the stranger
to refrain from destroying the righteous along with the unrighteous. Abraham appeals to the Judge of
the whole earth (the stranger!) (Genesis 18:25)
Sometimes people feel the people of God are judging them. But often, they are
asking God to be merciful.
Genesis 19 - The angels meet Lot at Sodom. Lot tries to protect the angels
from the people there. The angels can take care of themselves!
The angels destroy Sodom and tell the fewer than 10 righteous people there to run
for their lives! The men Lot's daughters were to marry stayed
and perished. Lot's daughters executed their own plan to have offspring and commit
incest after getting Lot drunk.
Genesis 20 - Like Pharaoh earlier, King Abimelech of Gerar learns God
protects Abraham and Sarah.
God calls Abraham a prophet (Genesis 20:7 AMP) and tells
Abimelech all will be back to normal after Abraham prays for him. Be careful if
you move to harm someone God is protecting. It seems strange that God would protect
Abraham when he lied about Sarah being his sister rather than being his wife. This
is up to God who declared Abram righteous because of his faith in God's promise,
not because his life was all cleaned up.
Genesis 21-25 AMP
Genesis 21 -
Sarah births Isaac miraculously (Genesis 21:1-AMP) and Abraham circumcises Isaac on the 8th day.
Sarah wants Hagar to leave and God tells
Abraham to listen to Sarah.
God will make a nation of Ishmael (Genesis 21:9-20 AMP) because
he is Abraham's son. But God will reckon Abraham's posterity through Isaac. God
takes care of Hagar and Ishmael in the desert. Abraham is getting
so wealthy others are afraid of him and Abraham makes an agreement with Abimelech not to conquer
the Philistines. Abraham digs a well at Beersheba (well of oath) and pays for it in livestock.
Genesis 22 - God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac, the son of
his old age, the son of the promises from God to have more offspring
than the stars in the sky and the dust of the earth. Did God go crazy? No,
God was showing Abraham that He would sacrifice His Son someday (Genesis 22:1-14 AMP) and
He would go through with it.* Both Abraham and Isaac understand they must do as God
says although it looks really bad. In response to Abraham and
Isaac's obedience, God promises Abraham's offspring will be as great as all the
sand on the sea shores.
"And in your Seed (Christ) shall all the nations of the earth be blessed and [by Him] bless themselves,
because you have heard and obeyed My voice." (Genesis 22:17-18 AMP)
*(Commentary) God himself would later pass that same test, allowing his Son, Jesus,
to be sacrificed for the specific reason, to take on himself the sin of all humanity, put on
all humanity by Adam. Much later in the New Testament Adam is called the
first Adam. (I Corinthians 15:45 AMP) The last Adam is Jesus.
Jesus put out the "fire" of sin and death Adam started (I Corinthians 15:45).
Jesus responded to and solved the emergency call from the human race for all time (Romans 7:14-25 AMP).
Genesis 23 - Sarah dies and
Abraham buys a burial cave for her in Hebron (Genesis 23 AMP) from the Hittes. The cave of Machpelah
(literally Cave of Cave) was a
permanent possession (Genesis 23:20) of Abraham where
more descendants would be buried.
Genesis 24 - Abraham sends a trusted servant to find a wife for Isaac and
strict instructions (Genesis 24:8) should Abraham die before a wife is found.
God helps the servant and Rebekah is brought back from the extended family to be
Isaac's wife. Isaac loved her.
Genesis 25 - Abraham remarried and had more sons but Abraham gave everything
he had to Isaac. Abraham sent away the sons of his concubines
(one of which was Hagar), giving them gifts, but getting them away "from
Isaac his son [of promise]" who becomes his sole heir. (Genesis 25:1-6 AMP)
Abraham dies.
The descendants of Ishmael are listed. (Genesis 25:12-18 AMP)
Esau and Jacob are born to Isaac and Rebekah who had a tough pregnancy. (Genesis 25:22-23 AMP)
God meant for Esau who was born first not to take the
place of the first born. Why? He is God. We don't know. Could God have made Jacob be born first?
Of course! As time went on despite family intrigue Jacob possessed a more vision-oriented
personality. Easu participated in the switch, perhaps Easu was tricked, but he was certainly willing
at the same time.
Jacob gets Esau to give up his birthright. (Genesis 25:27-34 AMP)
Humanly speaking it should have been Abraham, Isaac, and Esau but we all know it as Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. Don't give up your birthright. Don't usurp another's birthright. But we
can't keep God from willing it or supporting it or even protecting one over the other.
Genesis 26-30 AMP
Genesis 26 - God gives Isaac a strategy to stay alive during a famine and
confirms the covenant with Abraham that it will continue through Isaac. (Genesis 26:1-5 AMP)
Isaac has the same problem with Abimelech that Abraham had. Isaac lies and says Rebekah is his sister
(not his wife). She is beautiful and he fears they will kill him and take her.
Abimelech puts out a death threat to anyone who harms Isaac or Rebekah after finding out like father like son.
Isaac experiences the hundred fold return of God on his life and is
asked to leave (Genesis 26:12-17 AMP) due to
the wealth differential with the general population and the resulting envy. Isaac leaves and digs
well at Rehoboth (Genesis 26:18-25 AMP). Is this the origin of the phrase, "the third time is the charm"
which means if you don't succedd the first two times, try a third time and it will probably work.
Having a well of his own, not challenged by the Philistines, he sets up his tent and builds an altar.
God affirms he is with Isaac as he was with Abraham.
Genesis 27 - This is a dysfunctional family! Rebekah favored Jacob and instructs
Jacob how to steal Isaac's (the father's) blessing of Isaac's favorite, Esau because Esau
was the first born. Jacob makes a simple request to Esau to hunt and make him his favorite
dish for the impartation of the blessing. Rebekah (the mother) instructs Jacob, not a hunter,
to get two goats and she will make the favorite dish from domesticated goats. Jacob has to
disguise himself so Isaac will not realize he isn't Esau but Jacob. Esau previously sold his
birthright to Jacob for a pot of stew. Now Esau loses his father's blessing
as the plot is discovered too late (Genesis 27:1-45 AMP)
Rebekah tells Jacob to flee to her relatives'home (her brother Laban in Haran) and he does.
Rebekah makes up a story (Genesis 27:26 AMP) to get Isaac to agree to Jacob's leaving to
find an appropriate wife.
Genesis 28 -
Isaac tells Jacob to go to Rebekah's brother Laban's place (Genesis 28:1-5 AMP)
exactly as Rebekah planned.
Isaac also reaffirms his blessing to Jacob to continue receiving the blessing of God to Abraham
(Genesis 28:4 AMP).
Esau realizes he has not married according to his father Isaac's edict to Jacob. To shore things up
Esau takes a daughter of Ishmael as wife #3 (Genesis 28:6-9 AMP). Abraham was her granfather
but this probably didn't make things better with Isaac, Ishmael's half brother whose mother Hagar
had been sent away. Ishmael is not the child
of promise, nor would his granddaughter be in the line of the promise. But this is what Esau did.
Esau sold his birthright to Jacob and now lost the blessing of Isaac to the first born to Jacob
due to deception. Now he discovered he had married poorly. The only thing he had left was he was Isaac's
favorite. The death of Isaac would end that advantage.
Jacob dreams of a ladder Genesis 28:10-22 AMP) which represented an open heaven above him.
He's running scared now and for the first time meets God and commits himself to Him. He calls
this place Bethel, the house of God. God promised to watch over him wherever
he goes and Jacob says he will trust God to eventually bring him back home.
A byproduct of Rebekah and Jacob's deception is that Jacob never saw her (Mom) again.
Genesis 29 -
Jacob arrives at Laban's in Haran. (Genesis 29:1-20 AMP) He loves Rachel and agrees to
marry her in exchange for 7 years of work.
(Jacob had only the shirt on his back, he had no dowry.) Laban, father of Rachel,
switches the daughters in the name of the social custom that the oldest daughter is married first
and Jacob marries Leah who is older and hasn't really got any other chance of
marrying. He works 14 years for both. Jacob tricked Esau
out of the birthright and blessing. Now Laban is tricking Jacob out of the terms
of agreement of work and marriage. We might call that "what goes around comes around.
Genesis 30 -
Leah has children, Rebekah is barren, just like Sarah. (Genesis 30:1-24 AMP)
This family is also dysfunctional and makes the same mistakes Abraham and Sarah made, with
resulting jealousy. But it almost turns out better. Jacob is forced to say
he is not God. (Genesis 30:2 AMP) and cannot make her fertile.
Rachel gives Jacob her concubine just as Sarai gave Abram Hagar and the offspring was attributed to Rachel.
No matter how many sons Leah has, Jacob still doesn't love her. Finally, Rebekah birthed Joseph.
Jacob used a plan God may have given him (Genesis 30:25-43 AMP)
to become very wealthy before he leaves Laban. It had to do with
speckled goats being a dominant trait as opposed to all one colored goats. Genetic selection was not
known or understood then but this is in effect what Jacob was doing, breeding goats that are born
speckled in order to build up his own flocks as opposed to those of Laban's. He may
have observed the trend in the 14 years he worked for Laban also.
Jacob became exceedingly wealthy.
"Jacob's sheep" have been returned to Israel and they really look the part!
Google images of Jacob's sheep.
Genesis 31-35 AMP
Genesis 31 - God is now speaking promises and
strategy (Genesis 31:8-13 AMP) to Jacob as he had to
Abraham and Isaac. God calls himself
"the God of Bethel."(Genesis 31:13 AMP)
God tries to warn Laban not to give Jacob verbal abuse (Genesis 31:29 AMP). He does it for
Jacob's sake but also so he doesn't have to protect Jacob by hurting Laban.
The problem is Jacob just took off without saying good-bye (Genesis 31:3-5 AMP)
and some household gods are missing.
(Genesis 31:19 AMP)
It all ended peacefully with these famous words. (Genesis 31:49 AMP)
Genesis 32 -
Jacob discovers he is being protected by angels.(Genesis 32:1-2 AMP)
He sends a messenger to Esau to announce his return.
Esau gets the message and comes to meet Jacob with 400 men. Jacob sends presents
ahead successively hoping to appease Esau, his brother,
from whom he stole the birthright and the blessing. Jacob sent his wives and sons
and all he had across the brook by night and
was now alone. (Genesis 32:3-24 AMP)
A Man wrestled with Jacob all night long. (Genesis 32:25-32 AMP) When asked his name,
Jacob had to answer
"supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler" since this is
what his name Jacob meant. The Man changed his name to
Israel, (Genesis 32:28 AMP) which means "contender
with God." Why? Jacob would not let the Man go "unless You
declare a blessing on me." "And the Angel of God declared a blessing on Jacob
there." Jacob called the place
"Peniel" (the face of God). (Genesis 32:29-30 AMP)
After this Jacob always limped. A bit of commentary is added as to why Jews don't eat the tendon of
the hip. We have had 2 commentaries on the text so far by the writer on the original happenings.
Genesis 2:24 AMP
Genesis 32:32 AMP
Genesis 33 -
Jacob was very scared (Genesis 33:1-17 AMP) as Esau approached with his 400 men and
bowed 7 times. But Esau kissed him and they wept. Both had prospered while apart.
Esau expected Jacob to follow him home but Jacob figured out a way not to do so.
Jacob bought land near Shechem (Genesis 33:18-20 AMP) and erected an altar
and called it
"God, the God of Israel." (Genesis 33:20 WLC) (אֵ֖ל אֱלֹהֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃)
Chapter 34 -
A local Canaanite man, Shechem, wanted to marry Dinah, one of
Jacob's daughters, after he raped her. (Genesis 34 AMP) Jacob was ready to see
what could be done but Jacob's sons took matters into their own hands and tricked
Shechem's men into being circumcised, and killed them as they were recovering.
Jacob felt all was lost.
Chapter 35-
God told Jacob to go to Bethel (Genesis 35:1 AMP) where Jacob had met God when he
first ran away from Esau many years before. Jacob instructed all with him to get rid of household gods.
A terror from God fell on the towns so that Jacob was not pursued. (In chapter 34 indicated Jacob felt as if
all was lost, he would be hated for the revenge killings under the guise of acceptance. God averted this.)
Quite the opposite,
God told Jacob again that his name was now Israel. (Genesis 35:9-15 AMP) God also confirmed
the patriarchal succession of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The land promised to Abraham and Isaac was now
promised to Jacob and all his descendants. (Genesis 35:12 AMP)
Note Esau has been dropped from the unique promise that continued in David and Jesus Christ as Ishmael
first had been. It just is. This is important in the 21st century.
Rachael died near
Ephrath (Bethlehem) (Genesis 35:19-20 AMP),
the birthplace of the Messiah (Micah 5:2), as she birthed Benjamin. Note the commentary inserted
later into the text 3.
(Genesis 35:20 AMP) "Jacob set a pillar (memorial, monument) on her grave; that is the [a]pillar of
Rachel’s grave to this day."
Reuben, Jacob's oldest son,
raped Jacob's concubine. (Genesis 35:22 AMP) This puts in perspective that there could be multiple
candidates for Cain's wife due to living longer and our sinful nature. Whenever you see some
short reference like this to something that happened, it is likely more related to it will
be just ahead, possibly the ramifications.
Jacob's 12 sons are listed (Genesis 35:23-29 AMP) grouped by the mother's name. It seems Isaac was aware of all 12.
Isaac died and was buried by both Jacob and Esau, full brothers but with different promises and
different destinies.
Genesis 36-40 AMP
Chapter 36 -
This is a summary of what became of Esau and his descendants. (Genesis 36 AMP)
Esau took wives of the women of Canaan. Esau and Jacob
separated since the land would not support both herds.
Esau moved to the hill country of Seir (Edom) and fathered the Edomites. (Genesis 36:8-9 AMP)
Esau's lineage is listed.
Chapter 37 -
"So Jacob dwelt in the land in which his father had been a
stranger and sojourner, in the land of Canaan." (Genesis 37:1 AMP) Joseph,
Jacob's favorite son, well marked by his multicolored coast, has a dream which makes his brothers angry.
Then he has a dream which makes Jacob, his father, angry.
Jacob includes Rachel as being part of the dream although she is dead. (Genesis 37:10-11 AMP)
Jacob sends Joseph to see how things are with the rest of his older sons who are working as shepherds.
Jacobs's older sons, who are Joseph's brothers, sell Joseph to a caravan headed for Egypt, while
claiming to Jacob that a wild animal killed him. They produce
Joseph's bloody coat. The brothers thought their troubles were over but Jacob
vowed never to get over Joseph's death. Now they could never be rid
of him because his memory remained in Jacob's heart! It was Reuben who kept Joseph from being killed
but could not keep Joseph from being sent to Egypt as he was not present when it happened.
Benjamin, the youngest son,Joseph's full brother, is not mentioned.
Chapter 38 - Judah, a son of Jacob, leaves his brothers and marries a
Canaanite woman. Judah's oldest son Er married Tamar.
Er was wicked in God's sight and the Lord killed Er (Genesis 38:7 AMP).
At that time the correct thing to do was for
Judah's next oldest son to take Tamar as wife so
Er's lineage and inheritance would be preserved. (Genesis 38:1-11 AMP) Technically, Onan did what was
correct but acted in a way so as to get out of supporting a family that would
never be his. God was displeased and killed Onan. Rather than accept that his
sons were killed by the Lord, Judah decided the problem was Tamar.
He sent her back to her father saying to Tamar to wait until Judah's third son Shelah grew
up and could marry her.
It seemed to Tamar that Judah was not going to go through with it (which he wasn't)
so after Judah's wife died, she devised a plan to get pregnant by Judah and the plan worked.
Judah wanted to kill Tamar when he discovered she was pregnant, not by Shelah, who had not
married her but then realized
Tamar had been more righteous than he had been. (Genesis 38:12-26 AMP)
Chapter 39 -
The Lord was with Joseph. (Genesis 39 AMP) Joseph was sold to Potipher, an
officer of Pharaoh, the captain and chief executioner of the royal guard
in Egypt.
"The Lord blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake." (Genesis 39:5 AMP)
Joseph became supervisor over Potipher's house. Potipher's wife
expected Joseph, a slave, to obey her and lie with her." Joseph always said no.
She was angry and lied to her husband and said Joseph had tried
to rape her. Potipher put Joseph into prison.
"But the Lord was with Joseph and
showed him mercy and loving kindness and gave him favor in the
sight of the warden of the prison." (Genesis 39:21-23 AMP). Joseph became in charge of
everything in the prison.
Chapter 40 - The Pharaoh's butler and baker were put in the same prison with
Joseph. Each had a dream the same night and they were concerned what
the meaning might be.
Joseph interpreted the butler's dream that
he would again hand Pharaoh his cup. (Genesis 40:12-15 AMP) Joseph asked him to
remember him to Pharaoh as he was innocent. The butler
forgot all about Joseph, however, when he was restored to his position.
Joseph interpreted the baker's dream that he would be killed. (Genesis 40:16-19 AMP)
This all happened as Joseph said on Pharaoh's birthday. Joseph's dreams had gotten his family
upset and jealous unto selling him into slavery. Now he was in prison interpreting dreams
without benefit to himself. Just a thought...
Genesis 41-45 AMP
Chapter 41 - Pharaoh had a dream which no one could interpret.
The butler remembers Joseph who interpreted his and the baker's dreams correctly. (Genesis 41:9-13 AMP)
Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream and tells Pharaoh what God is about to do.
Joseph recommends to Pharaoh a plan of action and Pharoah puts Joseph in charge.
In 13 years Joseph, now age 30 is second in command in Egypt. (Genesis 41:46 AMP) The result is that
Egypt saved food from 7 good harvest years which would sustain Egypt
through the next 7 years of famine. It was a world-wide famine and only Egypt had
food. As part of his compensation Joseph is provided a wife and starts a family.
Chapter 42 - Jacob sends his remaining sons (except Benjamin) to
Egypt for food. Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him.
In addition, although Joseph understood them, he spoke to them through an
interpreter. Joseph accuses them of being spies and requires they bring Benjamin
to Egypt while Simon stays in an Egyptian prison as hostage. Reuben tells his brothers the
ancient equivalent of
"I told you so" (God requires of us Joseph's blood). Genesis 42:21-25 AMP)
Jacob won't send Benjamin (Genesis 42:35-38 AMP) since if he lost him, all the offspring of Rachel, his
beloved dead wife, would be gone. They were irreplaceable. Simeon was also now a hostage and as
good as gone.
Chapter 43 - The famine got worse. Circumstances were that they must go
back to Egypt but only if Benjamin would go with them.
Judah volunteers his life to his father Jacob if Benjamin does not return from Egypt safely.
(Genesis 43:1-15 AMP)
reluctantly says OK and sends gifts and double the money for the same amount of
grain with them, asking God for mercy and favor with the man in charge in Egypt.
Joseph asks them to eat at his house and arranges them in order of birth
while giving Benjamin 5 times as much as any of the others. (Genesis 43:16-34 AMP)
How does this man know so much about us they wondered
And what's going to happen? Joseph had to go away and compose himself.
Chapter 44 - Joseph sends them away,
devising another plan, (Genesis 44 AMP) to catch up with
them on the way back to Canaan and accuse them of the theft of
Joseph's silver drinking cup which is found in Benjamin's grain sack. Judah
explains to Joseph that if Benjamin doesn't return home to Canaan,
it will kill their father Jacob.
Chapter 45 - After Joseph sent away all the Egyptians, he wept, although the
Egyptians could hear him weep. Joseph said to his brothers in Hebrew,
"I am Joseph!" (Genesis 45:3 AMP) "I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt!" Joseph
interprets what they did as God sending him ahead to save them from famine.
Joseph and Pharaoh, #2 and #1 in Egypt, send the brothers back home to bring all
they have back to live in the best part of Egypt, Goshen as there were
still 5 years of famine left. When they saw Jacob again, they said,
"Joseph is still alive! And he is governor over all the land of Egypt!" (Genesis 45:26 AMP)
"And Israel said, 'It is enough! Joseph my son is still alive. I will go and see
him before I die.'" (Genesis 45:28 AMP)
Joseph's dreams were true. The journey by which they were fulfilled was tortuous.
In the end, through Jacob's favoritism of the sons of Rachel, the jealousy of their
half brothers and their solution to the problem of selling Joseph as a slave to get rid of him,
even via prison in Egypt, Joseph the dreamer had his early dreams fulfilled. His family did bow down
to him. But they also were forgiven by him, given the best land in Egypt by Pharoah and grew so
numerous that one family became a people that would be delivered by God over and over by his
own mysterious ways. What appears evil and/or really is evil can be used by God to achieve
his ends. He has said over and over what his ends are. Study the Bible and list them.
They are not hidden.
Genesis 46-50 AMP
Genesis 46 - God appears to Jacob in route to Egypt saying,
"I am God, the God of your father; do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make
of you a great nation." (Genesis 46:3 AMP)
More importantly God continued saying,
"I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you
[your people Israel] up again; and Joseph will put his hand upon your eyes [when
they are about to close in death]." (Genesis 46:4 AMP)
Jacob's family members are listed,
66 "counted" persons met with Joseph at Goshen (Genesis 46:26-27 AMP)
and he advised them to say they were shepherds
so the Egyptians would leave them to themselves.
Chapter 47 - Jacob appears before Pharaoh and does not bow down. Pharaoh
asks Jacob how old he is and Jacob replies 130 and for God's people, that's young.
People ran out of money to buy food from Pharaoh so Joseph accepted their livestock
as payment and finally their land. In the end all the Egyptians
had to pay Pharaoh 1/5th of their crops forever in return for food. Did they
complain? No, they said, "You have saved our lives!" (Genesis 47:25).
At age 147
Jacob made Joseph swear to take his body out of Egypt after he
died. (Genesis 47:29-31 AMP)
He knew of God's promise to Abram that Egypt was temporary. (Genesis 15:13 AMP)
Note: 4.
(Genesis 47:26 AMP) commentary: "valid to this day" referring to giving Pharoah 1/5th of crops.
Chapter 48 - Jacob adopts Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. If Joseph
has other sons, they shall be counted as sons of Joseph.
Jacob blesses the sons of Joseph as being his own saying the younger (Ephraim) will
be more prominent than the elder (Manasseh). Thus,
Jacob gives Joseph's lineage so far a double portion. Jacob calls God
"the redeeming Angel [that is, the Angel the Redeemer-not a created
being but the Lord Himself] Who has redeemed me continually from every evil."
(Genesis 48:16)
Genesis 49 - Jacob is about to die and tells his sons what will happen in
the future. He tells Reuben, his firstborn, that due to his behavior,
he has lost his birthright. Simeon and Levi will be scattered in Israel because of
their killing the Shechemites. Judah is told,
"The scepter or leadership shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from
between his feet, until Shiloh [the Messiah, the Peaceful One] comes to Whom
it belongs, and to Him shall be the obedience of the people." (Genesis 49:10 AMP)
He would replace Reuben in the family which was to become very significant
at some future time. Zebulun shall live by the sea shore and be a haven for ships.
Issachar would be subject to forced labor. Dan was to become a
judge which would play out via circumstances. Gad would win in unprovoked
skirmishes. Asher will have abundant and delightful food. Naphtali will
have lovely offspring. Joseph has already shown how strong God made him. Greater
blessing from father to son comes to Joseph than came before from
Abraham to Isaac or from Isaac to Jacob. Benjamin will be very successful in war
in greater proportion than his numbers.
Note: 5.
(Genesis 49:28 AMP) "All these are the [beginnings of the] twelve tribes of Israel..." This had to
be written later as commentary.
Jacob charged them all to bury him not in Egypt permanently but in the cave
Abraham bought, where Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Leah was
buried, in Canaan. Jacob died.
Chapter 50 - Joseph had Jacob embalmed and the Egyptians mourned Jacob's
death for 70 days as if he were royalty. Joseph obtained permission
from Pharaoh to bury Jacob in Canaan. Many Egytian officials accompanied Jacob's
body to the
Cave of Machpelah (Genesis 50:12-14) that Abraham had purchased from Ephron the Hittite.
List of who is buried there.
Now Joseph's brothers were afraid that maybe
Joseph had been good to them all the years Jacob was alive
only to please Jacob. They were afraid of what Joseph would do next. They
realized that while the leadership went to Judah, the double portion
of the birthright went to Joseph who still #2 in Egypt.
They offered to become Joseph's servants and bowed down to him.
(Genesis 37:5-10 AMP, Genesis 50:15-18 AMP).
Joseph answered wisely,
"Fear not; for am I in the place of God? [Vengeance is His,
not mine.] As for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant
it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are this
day. Now therefore, do not be afraid. I will provide for and support
you and your little ones. And he comforted them [imparting cheer, hope, strength]
and spoke to their hearts kindly." (Genesis 50:19-21 AMP) Joseph tells his
brothers God will visit them and at that time, take his bones out of Egypt. Joseph
dies at age 110, was embalmed and put in a coffin in Egypt.
The end of the book of Genesis.
4. After Genesis
(All the chapters of longer books must be presented in multiple groupings of chapters. You can
select a different language or English translation but please be aware this could change the chapter
groupings presented on your screen. You may have to adjust the chapter numbers to see all the chapters.)
Genesis 1-34,
Genesis 35-50
Exodus 1-35,
Exodus 36-40
Leviticus 1-27,
Numbers 1-28,
Numbers 29-36,
Deuteronomy 1-34,
Joshua 1-24,
Judges 1-21,
Ruth 1-4,
I Samuel 1-31,
II Samuel 1-24,
I Kings 1-22,
II Kings 1-25,
I Chronicles 1-29,
II Chronicles 1-36,
Ezra 1-10,
Nehemiah 1-13,
Esther 1-10,
Job 1-40,
Job 41-42,
Psalms 1-69,
Psalms 70-119,
Psalms 120-150,
Proverbs 1-31,
Ecclesiastes 1-12,
Song of Solomon 1-8,
Isaiah 1-49,
Isaiah 50-66,
Jeremiah 1-40,
Jeremiah 41-52,
Lamentations 1-5,
Ezekiel 1-39,
Ezekiel 40-48,
Daniel 1-12,
Hosea 1-14,
Joel 1-3,
Amos 1-9,
Obadiah 1,
Jonah 1-4,
Micah 1-7,
Nahum 1-3,
Habakkuk 1-3,
Zephaniah 1-3,
Haggai 1-2,
Zechariah 1-14,
Malachi 1-4,
Matthew 1-27,
Matthew 28,
Mark 1-16,
Luke 1-22,
Luke 23-24,
John 1-21,
Acts 1-28,
Romans 1-16,
I Corinthians 1-16,
II Corinthians 1-13,
Galatians 1-6,
Ephesians 1-6,
Philippians 1-4,
Colossians 1-4,
I Thessalonians 1-5,
II Thessalonians 1-3,
I Timothy 1-6,
II Timothy 1-4,
Titus 1-3,
Philemon 1,
Hebrews 1-13,
James 1-5,
I Peter 1-5,
II Peter 1-3,
I John 1-5,
II John 1,
III John 1,
Jude 1,
Revelation 1-21.
Holy Bible!
Following the lineage and the promise from Isaac will bring you logically to Jesus Christ. If you divert to another path, you may not consider what Jesus Christ did for you and thus not appropriate it for yourself. If Jesus is who he said he was your loss will be great. What you choose does not affect me as much as it affects you. Through showing as carefully as possible what the Bible says, I am trying to point the way and allow you to form your own conclusions. God already loves me. If you decide for Jesus Christ as God and your lord, I will be happy for you along with the angels of heaven rejoicing.
Jesus is the bridge!
JesusIsComing (dot mobi content) is to alert you that whoever you think Jesus is, he promised he was going to come again. He will not come to offer salvation as when he was born a baby, was subject to what we are subject to, and died in our place to satisfy God's wrath on sin. When Jesus comes again it will be to separate those whose sins are forgiven and those whose sins are not forgiven. It's like a class action suit. You are covered by his death on the Cross, but you must respond, sign up to be included. It just takes a moment but it does take your decision.
Last updated: 05/10/2017
Background Music: Jubilate