Dear Rabbi
Dear Rabbi
This page is being written in response to two declarations signed by up to 50 Orthodox rabbis.
The first declared that the New Testament is a Jewish document!
This is amazing as it shows that the rabbis have read the New Testament, the Brit Ha Chadeshah of
Jeremiah 31:31-34, and
examined it and found that it is not a complete break with the Old Testament (also called the Tanach,
T for Torah, N for prophets in Hebrew and the gutteral ch for writings in Hebrew which is more like k but
here it appears at the end of the word Tanach thus the different sound for the same letter). Online readers
may know one name but not the other so both are mentioned.
I would not be surprised if these rabbis know more than many Christians that the New Testament quotes the Tanach often.
This is due to lack of reading the Old Testament from cover to cover to recognize the passages that are quoted in the
New Testament as having the Old Testament as their source.
The second declared that G-d has a valid covenant with the Gentiles (December 5, 2015).
This is amazing because it recognizes that
G-d has reached out to the Gentiles (Cornelius and Peter) (Acts 10).
It also recognizes that
a Gentile must not first become a Jew to come to Jesus Christ. (Acts 15:1-35)
I rejoiced too soon along with many others as we interpreted the declaration as a recognition of
Jesus Christ for the Jews.
The response to the contrary seemed to indicate Gentiles have their Covenant, we Jews have our Covenant.
Two nations, two covenants.
Apparently, Jews are still seen to live according to the covenant of the law without Jesus Christ while the
Gentiles live under the covenant of grace with Jesus Christ.
I would like to challenge righteousness before G-d as achieved by obedience to the law only. I would like to challenge
that there are two covenants serving two peoples at the same time. Righteousness is by faith alone in G-d. There is
only one covenant and that is found in
Jeremiah 31:27-40. The law is from G-d. Jesus Christ fulfilled it for Jews
placing their faith in him and for Gentiles also. One covenant, one people. Since this is not a book with many pages, I
can only point the way. If you are motivated to investigate, continue reading and then click on the links above. There
are strong points made below also.
The 6 pages listed below reference scriptures mentioned on each page. The pages were written over the years and updated to reflect current use without major change.
The Hebrew page references Isaiah 53, Acts 8:26-39 about Isaiah 53, The Jesus Film is the Gospel of Luke, Genesis 15:6, Psam 27:10, Jeremiah 29:10-14, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Isaiah 9:6-7, Daniel 9:24-27, Zephaniah 3:14-17, Colossians 1:26, Daniel 7:13-14.
G-d promised Abram that his descendants would be as the
stars in the sky (Genesis 15:1-6) and also of his seed, not his servant's seed.
What we ignore is that G-d counted Abram's faith in the promises of G-d as
righteousness. So the first righteousness by faith is found very early, in
Genesis 15:6 hundreds of years before the law at Mt. Sinai. Faith precedes the law.
Faith justifies without the law!
One note. I had read the scripture
Acts 16:31,
“Believe in the Lord Jesus [as your personal Savior and entrust yourself to Him] and you will
be saved, you and your household [if they also believe].” (Amplified). Up until
I committed my life to Jesus Christ I thought it was just believing, such as I believe the sun
will come up tomorrow even though it is dark now or perhaps it will be raining when it comes up
so that I won't really be able to see it but I believe it will come up.
Then I saw other words attached to believing such as trust in, cling to, adhere to, and rely on
Jesus Christ. I knew I did not do that! So I kept up my search for the truth. Now I know the
same concept is in
Jeremiah 29:13 (OJB). "13 Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity]
and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." (Amplified)
The miracle baby that G-d gave to the too-old-to-bear-a-child couple was now to be used as a challenge to
Abram's fidelity to G-d with righteousness previously imputed to Abram via his faith in what G-d
promised him even before it happened.
Once we receive a miracle, we get possessive of it. G-d gave it to me and it's mine. No, it still belongs to G-d.
G-d asked him to
take Isaac up on a mountain and sacrifice him. (Genesis 22:1-19) Will you give up that which I
gave you and that which you could never replace without Me? Yes.
G-d spared Issac, the child of the promise. (Genesis 22:12-19)
This is eventually what G-d himself did. He went through with sacrificing his only son, not even stopping himself.
Why? Because it was the fulfillment of the law and the only way to satsify G-d's holiness and
man's sinfulness (unrighteousness). (Isaiah 64:6)
G-d declared Abram's faith as righteousness before the sacrifice. Abram had no Mosaic law to reference.
Abram did the one thing G-d required of him, believed in what G-d said would happen, and once believed,
it was attributed to him as righteousness. Is Abram (Abraham), the father of faith, your father?
The Mosaic law is a wonderful thing blessing not only the Jews but all of humankind in so far as humankind
receives it and bases societies on it. The law of the L-rd is forever. You won't catch me downgrading
the law. However, in
Jeremiah 31:27-40, G-d takes issue with the obedience of Israel to the Covenant of Moses,
the Mosaic law.
Deuteronomy 28 states clearly the blessings and curses of obeying and disobeying the law.
But the Jews have broken the covenant. G-d does not really want to punish punish punish. G-d really
wants his people to be near his heart and be blessed by him. So He says through Jeremiah that he will
give them a Brit Ha Chadeshah, not like the one they broke, and he will write it on their hearts and minds.
So I take issue with the declaration that the Jews will continue under the law and the Gentiles will
continue under grace, two different covenants, two different ways to be right related to G-d.
Jeremiah 31:31-24.
You are
continuing to make the choice of self-obedience to be rightly related to G-d while the Gentiles flock
to the new covenant where we know we can't obey even a law we make for ourselves. We just give up and
by faith take the grace G-d gave us through Jesus Christ, the only Son G-d has. Warning to those
physically related to Abraham but who do not live toward G-d in faith believing as Abraham did:
G-d can raise up
children of Abraham from stones. (Luke 3:8)
You assume because you
hold Moshe in such high regard that you are like him. With all due respect you are more like King Saul making
excuses rather than repenting for disobeying the prophet(s). You are still the chosen people,
the Apple of God's eye (Zechariah 2:8).
Get with G-d's Word! You say you serve and obey him only but you are obeying Rambam and first century rabbis rather
than G-d. How else can you explain where you are now? (out of sync with your own scripture)
Yeshua said
he did not come to do away with the
law but to fulfill it. (Matthew 5:17-20) If you honestly examine scripture, the Tanakh, you might
be able to see that.
But you would have to correct yourself and repent before G-d for having believed a man made lie rather
than G-d.
Fear only him. (Isaiah 8:12-15)
I know you are careful not to say G-d's name. I try to comply. However,
G-d places his word above his name. (Psalm 138:2) Please stay true to his word. Your life
depends on it.
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For extra credit! Please read
Romans 9, 10, and 11. Many Christians misunderstand this so please make
sure YOU understand it. The Tanach is the trunk of the olive tree, well cultivated. The branches are those
who believe and are nourished by the trunk. Gentiles are wild shoots grafted into the trunk. So many Jews
are the branches broken off the olive tree by bad teaching, ignorance or incomplete understanding,
trusting others (the rabbis) for their well being, etc. How much quicker and
appropriate that you can allow yourself to be grafted back on to the trunk, the original branches still
alive! Get back to the tree! Don't just watch the Gentiles enjoy what is supposed to be your heritage!
Do you have to become a Christian to become a completed Jew? Absolutely not! There are Messianic Jews and
Messianic rabbis more than when I lived in Israel when the newspaper had articles such as "Death to Missionaries!"
Find one! Here is a Teddy Bear, gentle in manner,
Jonathan Bernis of Jewish Voice Ministries.
* This is not to say the Jews killed Jesus. The high priest prophesied it is better for one man to die for the people rather than the people perish for one man. (John 11:50) This was G-d's plan, that Yeshua would die for our sins. It was the high priest's plan to protect the people from the Romans. The high priest said the right thing for the wrong reason. He did not know that what he said was correct. Jesus did die. But that was not the end. It may seem odd to associate John 11 with this song, however, because Jesus humbled himself and allowed his own death, G-d lifted him high up. To go up, you must first go down. I am not calling you Christ killers!
Last updated: 05/10/2017
First posted: 01/15/2017