What does the tract contain?
The specifics of how to know Jesus personally is what
I like to share. I can't think of another reason to
be out there.
God promised to honor his Word. Is his Word in the
What do you want to communicate?
I say, "This is a booklet that explains how you can
have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."
It is gentle and direct enough for the Holy Spirit to
honor and indicates no presumptions about the
I have no problem saying it because it is true.
People seem to understand it right away.
Is it in a form that you feel comfortable
Some people love cartoon-like tracts. Some people
like tracts with numbered lists of items, or stories,
or poems.
What do you like? Will it be attractive to your
target audience? It's not wrong to experiment within
What would you like to have someone communicate
to you?
Would you like it if someone handed this tract to you?
How would you feel?
Did you know very few people throw them away? If they
do, go pick them up.
If they are in good condition, give them out to
someone else later. If not, take them home to remind
you to pray for those persons.
If someone rejects the tract, put in on the bottom of
the pile and put a new tract in your hand.
Why? People don't like things other people reject.
It's human nature.
How are you delivering the tract?
I don't like windshields on cars in parking lots
because it's too easy for a person to imagine
the worst about the person leaving it. I like to give
it in person. That way a person can look me over.
Finding nothing strange he or she may give more
attention to the tract.
What do you want to accomplish?
Decide ahead of time what your goal is and what is
possible and proper for the setting.
You may want to go over the full Four Spiritual Laws
with a person, but do they have the time
and thus the attention to focus? Would you have the
At one time I went through the Four Spiritual Laws
completely with each person. Then I was fortunate
to explain briefly what was inside before the person
had to catch up with others. Now if I can just point
to the website and the toll free number on the back
side, explain what they are,
turn it over and say, "This is something for you to
take a look at in a quiet moment," I feel fortunate.
It's no one's fault that we're all so busy. People
appreciate that you are letting them go right away.
They don't feel cornered or trapped and usually say,
"Thank you!"
Who are you there for?
You should be out there to share something wonderful
with others who don't know, just as you didn't
If you are out there to make your views known or to
gain acceptance with God, skip it.
We are to make Jesus known, to lift him up, so that he
may draw people to himself. We do that out of
for what he has done for us.
Are you purposed in your heart to do
Are you doing it because you think it's a good idea,
someone else told you to, or you feel inside of you
that you want to do it? This is not a deep question,
just answer yes or no; you purpose to do it in your
I generally find that every time I reach out, I'm very
glad I did it. Since I know this, it doesn't take
too much for me to purpose in my heart to hand out
There have only been a couple times when I felt the
Lord telling me not to.
Once was in Turkey where there was an argument because
we'd been waiting in line to get on a ferry
and they let others get on the ferry ahead of us. I
think the fact that there had been an argument was
the reason not to witness. There was strife, not
unity. The moment we got on the next ferry, I was free
to share again.
I stopped myself finally from handing out tracts in
Salt Lake City during the Olympics.
The newspapers had done such a job educating the
readers who they thought we were that there was
open mocking on the streets. I stopped because the
intended goal was not being reached.
There was a singer who sang on a balcony and the Holy
Spirit was working, softening hearts,
so I handed out more tracts but she left. It got so
bad that I stopped again because I didn't want
people to have this memory of rejecting the Word of
God and I didn't want the Lord to hold the way
they treated me against them. I went up to the Temple
area and held up a sign with my website on it,
JesusIsLord.org, as the church officials were leaving
for the weekend. They looked but said nothing,
no scowls, and I said nothing also. A man came and
stood next to me and said, "Don't worry; your website
is easy to remember."
Are you ready not to get into meaningless
I may seem weak, but I don't answer everything.
Someone may come and tell me the real day that we
should worship. This is not why I'm out there, so I
intently and say nothing.
Sometimes people say they know I am a woman pastor. I
say, "Nope." They persist because if I say I am,
they will then discuss that with me, usually in the
negative. I am really not a pastor. If I say anything,
I say, "I'm out here because I was baptized and
commanded to witness and make disciples
(Matthew 28:19-20 AMP).
Luke 14:22-23 AMP emphasizes that there is still room so
we are commanded to go out into the highways and along
hedges to make the invitation known.
Are you ready not to know answers?
One time a man asked me if dogs go to heaven. I
thought about it, I thought about major themes like
the fall, redemption. I could not think of dogs being
included or excluded specifically.
So I answered, "I'm not sure scripture addresses that,
I don't know." I thought he would be upset but
he went away happy.
circuit-riding Methodist preachers in America
inspired by John Wesley would take new converts on
horseback to the next town, instructing them along the way.
The new convert would preach in the next town.
I taught an hour about circuit riding preachers at
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
as part of a required course. I told my professor at the beginning of the semester that
I would need my horse or I would not be able to do it. I said you must run around the
classroom three times lifting up your arms neighing like a horse. I was known for things
like this. When the time came to present my research as a speech, I said, "I need my
horse." My professor jumped up and ran around the room lifting his hands up and neighed
like a horse! You think lucky for me. I think, no, lucky for them. They got to hear my
I want to add that circuit-riding preachers would ride up to cabins in the
wilderness and share the Gospel. They would also ride into towns and one went right into
the saloon. A woman came up and asked him if he would like to dance. He said yes. As the
entire group was laughing thinking they were leading the preacher astray, he grabbed the
woman's wrist and pulled her down to the floor and said, "Before I do anything, I always
pray first." By the time he was done praying, the entire saloon turned to Christ! I add
my story and this story to show that you have to be willing to do what it takes to get the job
done. You need to develop a pioneer spirit and be who God meant you to be, not be someone
you saw on TV. Part of my calling is to multiply my efforts on earth through you who are
willing. I release you to be who you are in Christ to go where few have gone to reach the
many who otherwise will have an unfortunate eternity if you do not go out. Just start.
Ask God to help you. He can do more than I can for you!
Who was Cain's wife? I have no idea. But I do know
Jesus died for me and I do know he died for you.
That's the simple message I came out here to proclaim.
(Check the ages of those in
Genesis at which they died.
Adam died at 930.There was plenty of time for
more offspring than listed by name in the biblical record. There are many he could
have married. If this upsets you that not all descendents of Adam were listed, look at
John 21:25 AMP
Are you ready for ridicule?
Ah ridicule! It is probably just a question. And the
question is, "Are you for real? Will you reject me?
Do you have what it takes to deal with me?"
If you can hold on and not feel personally threatened,
a person might pour their heart out to you
The meanest person I ever met was angry just because
he saw me. He gave me all his angry questions,
"If there really is a God, why is there all this
evil?" He wasn't going to stick around to discuss
he just wanted to lay them on me.
As he left I said, "Keep asking, God loves your
questions, and he has answers."
I could only think that maybe it might help him ask
someone without walking away.
Is it OK with you to not know what's going
You might pass out tracts your whole life and not know
the outcome of any of them. Are you content to be
faithful in sowing? (Psalm 126:5 AMP)
It's fine with me if tracts go home and sit on a shelf
and gather dust.
I know at the right moment the right person will pick
it up and the Holy Spirit will go right into
action honoring God's Word.
Is it OK with you that people act very
My rule is that each person sets the communication
level. I say hello once. If they don't respond,
I just sit or stand quietly. If they are loud and
abusive, I let them. I only care that we are
that they are taking whatever step they feel
comfortable with. Being loud and mocking while asking
and looking at the material to me means they are
moving a step towards God. They may just want to feel
and make you keep a distance while they are doing it.
A man came one evening and picked up the
Hebrew Four Laws.
He read a page, looked around, read another page.
When he was done, he stood there a while and then
I think he was tailing someone. I think he spoke
Hebrew and just learned about what Jesus has to offer
doing his job. Then he left. Did it bother me that he
ignored me? Not in the slightest! He was the only
person I ever saw read the entire Four Spiritual Laws
in Hebrew in front of me!
One time I was depositing a letter into a US mail box next to a bus stop. A woman handed me a tract from what we would consider a cult. I took it and reached out to her to give her a tract. Suddenly, she acted as if she were blind now sitting on a bench. I ended up laying down on the side walk and looking up under her sun glasses to her eyes as I continued to hand her the tract. She took it. I know it was force of personality but it was also the Lord. She set the communication level.
Some mechanics of handing out tracts
Jews for Jesus has "broadsides." Their goal is that
every one who passes on the street takes one.
You stand on the side walk and make eye contact with
each person while handing them a broadside,
never taking your hand or eye away until they take
it. The broadside is usually a cartoon presentation
of a timely event such as one at tax return time. The
theme quickly turns to the spiritual
and makes one simple point. A contact name, address
and phone number is provided. They really
want to reach fellow Jews, but they realize they
will also minister to Gentiles (you and me).
They aim to make Jesus the "unavoidable issue" for
Jews around the world. That's why they hand out as
many as they can.
Some people put tracts in bills (it might take longer
for them to process, so mail early!).
I put them in with other documents offered to the
public such as sweepstakes entry forms.
I put them anywhere I think someone will eventually
find them.
In magazines in waiting rooms, in furniture where
small ones crawl around, by phones, on top of
If I have a tract with a movie theme, I will leave it
on the towel rack in the movie theater rest
Sometimes I ask the person next to me on a bus which
tract they like and they select one. I've never had
anyone say, "None!" If they did I would answer, "I'll
have to carry more and more variety in the
In Atlanta at the Olympics, I asked the person next to
me, "Do you operate a jack hammer for a living?"
He was quite surprised and said yes. I gave him one of
an earthquake saying he's used to being all shook up.
He thanked me and assured me he would read it at
home. I think the Lord helped me on that one.
If I see a store clerk I say, "Do you speak xxx
language?" If they say yes, I come back on another day
with a
tract in that language. I say the language name and
they say yes and I hand it to them and leave. If they
act nervous and trapped, I leave right away as if
that's all I wanted was to give it to them. If I have
anything else to give them, I hand that over right
away. A baseball cap in their language is hard
to refuse. If I have it, it's theirs!
BTW (by the way), the question that never offends is,
"Do you speak a language other than English?" If they
tell you the names of 6 languages, ask which is your
heart language or which one did you and your family
speak to each other?
When telemarketers call, if I've been nice, I say, "I
have a website!" They usually get a pencil and ask me
it is.
When I call just about any business, I ask at the end of
the call, can I tell you the name of my website? Occassionally,
they mix it up with email address and say no. Sometimes
they immediately look it up, other times they say I'll
have to wait until my lunch break. Sometimes, when the
person has discretionary time, they will even tell me
they are mad at God or something like that. I direct
them to my
The Problem of Evil
One time I was put on hold and I felt the Lord had a word
for the man. When he came back I explained it and asked
would it be ok to share the word? Yes. He got all excited
and said he was going to tell his wife.
I called the IRS to order tax forms and the man said,
"The number of the first form?" I read it to him.
"The number of the next form?" And on we went. When I
had gotten all my forms and he said,
"The number of the next form?" I answered, "My website
is JesusIsLord.org!" He burst out laughing and said
he'd look at it.
I've also had dry answers, "Is there anything else I
may do for you today?" as if they want me to go
A word about the unseen...
You have an enemy. He is the one who wanted to become
like God. (Isaiah 14:12-15 AMP)
You remind him of God, and you are trying to lead
others to God, so he hates you.
He will interfere if he can. He will play on your
emotions, shortcomings, and other people's feelings
(maybe you
remind a person you meet of someone else not much
liked). He has one goal and that is to get you to STOP
Like an announcer at a boxing match, now hear the
words, "And in the Other Corner, is God, all his
and the saints of God who see what you are doing and
are praying for you, thanking God for you!"
I have a word from God for you..."you never have to
I was feeling very nervous at Valley Fair Mall due to
several unsettling things happening close together in
time. I did not know it, but in Westgate Mall a young
man was handing out tracts and God told him to
go to Valley Fair Mall. He quickly found me and saw I
was upset. He told me the Lord had sent him over and
he prayed with me and I calmed down. He said he saw a
very big angel standing behind me. On another night
I felt just the touch of a hand on my hair as I sat in
the Mall. I have come to understand angels are with
me because
I am on Kingdom business.
I also ask God when I start, "God, help me to start,
make the first person really easy." Almost always
says, "Jesus Is Lord! That's so wonderful, honey."
Then I'm all set and I know God is with me. He is
with you.
You are not out there selling ice cream. You are an
ambassador for the King of Kings!
Don't assume people in authority are against you. I
asked a military type once, "Is there a better place
to stand than this?"
He answered, "No, all the cars have to come past you
here." It seemed to delight him. If they don't agree
with you,
there are laws. I like to check it all out first so I
can say names, job titles, dates, conversations,
agreements, if necessary.
A word about the promise of God
I have a promise on my life. That promise is, "For
every one who rejects you, one hundred will
I don't see any reason why you can't ask God for that
to be true for you.
My best suggestion is, be
listen to what people say and really respond to it and
what is in the heart behind it. The world can be a
cold place. Be the bright spot in someone's day, and then
be the bright spot in the next person's day. Be the
nicest tract hander-outer you can be and don't worry.
You're doing just fine.
Be safe
Determine what to you is moving in safety. We've all
seen pictures of beekeepers covered with bees. To me
that is not
moving in safety although the evidence exists that it
is safe for some people to be covered with bees. What
is safe for
Do you have the faith to go under bridges at night to
reach the homeless? If you don't, go with someone who
does or
don't go under bridges at night to reach the homeless
until you do. There are times and places to reach
If you just came out of a situation that was
detrimental to you, don't go back into that same
situation right away!
Go where you have absolutely no temptation. For
instance, if alcohol was a problem to you and some of
your social
life revolved around drinking with other people,
possibly in bars, take a time out. The last thing I
want to do is
to lay down a law, but stay safe in your reaching out.
You can exhibit your concern by talking to the Lord
about what
you'd like to do and would he please give you wisdom
as to what to do and where to go.
Don't stop
People who say they love Jesus may tell you to stop
handing out tracts, that it's bad because you don't
know the person
and other people have hurt that person while handing
out tracts. I even heard it said that people have
marks on their bodies
because of all the tracts they've been hit with. I'm
strong but I feel the power of their humiliation of
who I am.
So I ask the Lord what is his answer to this advice?
I believe his counsel is that it is he who empowers me
to witness
without making a mark of insensitivity and hurt. It is
he who caused Jeremiah to record
"Is not My word like
fire?" declares
the Lord, "and like a hammer which shatters a rock?"
(Jeremiah 23:29 AMP. God
can get through
to those through his word and maybe he wants to leave
a mark, the shattering of a hard and stony heart into
one who knows
him through the Great Physician's hammer of love.
Tracts may be paper pages stapled together, but the
Word is from God
and he means the most wonderful business in the world
with it. And if I meet strangers well and love them
and help make
a proper introduction to the One who loves them so,
why should I stop?
One more note: a pastor may tell you
not to hand out tracts. Go directly to God and ask him about this.
You know the drill.
We must obey God rather than man. (Acts 5:29 AMP) You can also ask your pastor to go out
with you and give feedback. He or she might see you are right. Tracts contain the Word of God
in short form just as a message spoken from a pulpit. People who would never go to hear the
Word in the pulpit might be glad for the Word in tract form.
I'm going to repeat this because this one is tough. It's called friendly fire.
You may even find a pastor
tell you tracts don't work, this other method works.
You may feel a lot of pain. Go to the Lord in
prayer and ask him to confirm whether you should be
handing out tracts. Then go hand them out again. If
God puts it in your heart to hand out tracts and you
stop because someone told you to stop, personally,
I don't want to show up before God and try and
explain why I stopped. How does the other person
know tracts don't work? And if that person speaks
from the pulpit, that's a one-way communication.
There are probably many ways to share the Gospel
including sending tracts inside a balloon over a
hostile country border. Only you and the Holy Spirit
know what he is asking you to do. Even if 95% of the
people a pastor sees come to Jesus through friendship,
she or he does not see that 95% of the rest come to
God through a tract ministry. I'm making these numbers
up. A pastor is not God is my point. Only God can tell
you what to do and only you can obey. This just
happened to me again, and I told the Lord talking
loudly, Lord, I'm going to stop for one day because
I'm hurting, but one day only. I almost felt as if
I was shaking the dust off my sandals and going to
another town. I went back to that church the next day
and found he was quite open to my website. It was his
underlings who spoke against tracts. I decided that
based on their young age and inexperience, I would say nothing and allow
them to change naturally. But the next time I"m in that town, I'm going
to do exactly what I feel God showed me to do this year. I just won't
let them know I'm there. I'm a strong believer in
greeting the saints in
an area as Paul did,
(Acts 20:13-28 AMP)
but sometimes they suspect your motives because they
don't know you.
This is a quote from the
Jesus Film Project bulletin
mailed to donors following Dr. Bill Bright's death in
July, 2003:
"Many years ago Dr. Bright was in his office reviewing
the summary of 10,000 National Collegiate Religious
surveys. One
of the questions was, "In your opinion, how does one
become a Christian?" He was stunned when he saw that
95% did not
know how, and that the same percentage wanted to
increase their faith. He put his head down on the
desk and with
increasing emotion said, 'They don't know how. They
don't know how! They don't know how!!' He sobbed for
minutes. I felt like I was standing on 'holy
ground'...and I was." All his Christian life his
heart for the lost
never wavered." This was written by Paul Eshleman of
the Jesus Film Project
about the man who wrote the
Four Spiritual
Laws, the tract that very clearly shows how to
personally come to know Jesus Christ.
What are your suggestions?
Do you love to leave tracts on windshields? Why?
Add to this page, disagree with me, and let's have some
I tried handing tracts out on the water. Then I
realized people would just worry about their boat
getting dinged up.
Once I encouraged someone to hand tracts to firemen.
Oops! Paper burns, they couldn't have them! You
I think we should try just about anything. That's
what inventors do!
I need tracts right now! (You can send the URL,
the http://www.URL.xxx, via email if the tracts are
Bilingual Four Spiritual Laws to read with a friend in that person's heart language http://crustore.org/quick-order
Easter outreach for children but can be used year around.
Other resources below Know God Personally
Order free Gospel coins in 132 presentations in 106 languages! ... The PDF order form http://villageministries.org/wp-content/ uploads/2015/06/CoinOrderFormPDF-May2015.pdf
Ray Comfort, low-cost tracts, audio-video resources, and blog http://www.livingwaters.com
World Missionary Press http://www.wmpress.org/read-booklet/
Chick Tracts complete list!
People actually read them!
Gospel Tract Society http://www.gospeltractsociety.org
Gospel Tract Society P.O. Box 1118,
Independence, MO
- send a donation (or not), ask for tract samples.
Spanish tracts are available. Here is a sample tract
that arrived November 2003.
Please note I have stamped this tract
so you can see where I put the web site name although
did not create or produce the tract; the tract has
been stamped using an Office Max stamp after ordering
it from Gospel
Tract Society.
(Gospel Tract Society now offers this tract content in blue with extra space to
stamp several websites)
It seems that most people believe they are going to heaven although their reasons differ. When I give a person this tract after getting to know them, they usually read the whole tract right away since it is so short. I've told them this is my web site. They usually ask me, "Where is the web site?" So I show them. They usually say, "Thanks!" and put it in their wallet (it is just slightly larger than a credit card). When they get a chance they can look up the site and continue although I may never see them again. They now have a place to go investigate the claims of Jesus Christ and can make a commitment when they are ready (which sometimes is right away!)
The resolution below is poor (pilot error). This will need to be fixed. The two tracts are still here in case they can bless you.
A Country Called Heaven
Tract availability changes so this particular one may not be available now.
The Roman Road of Salvation
The Roman Road to God
The Roman Road
You can print this out and speak from it and give it to the person with a N.T.
Last updated 05/10/2017
Background music is: ShoutsOfJoyMedley[1].mid